Averi Kate is growing up TOO fast! She has changed so much in the past month. Here are a list of all her accomplishments just in the last few weeks...
She said her first word!!! Was it "mama"? No. Was it "dada"? Nope. It was "dog." It actually sounds more like "guh" but I know for a fact it is "dog." EVERY time she sees or hears a dog she starts exclaiming, "guh! guh! guh!" Her verbal skills have also suddenly expanded to include "mama" and "bye".
Along with "bye," she has started waving as well. She waves at anyone who will look at her! She has also picked up on the sign language for "more" and uses it whenever she sees something that she wants (usually food).
And speaking of food, her appetite has increased as of late and has also expanded to include lots of new flavors, including both black and green olives.
We are getting the inclination that AK is going to be a handful. She has recently decided to start crawling and pulling up on furniture, and she is getting into everything. She also puts anything she can get her hands on immediately into her mouth. Oh my. I will say that even though she was a happy baby before, she is much happier now that she is mobile.
The other day someone turned the vacuum cleaner on in the next room. The loud noise startled both girls, but while Claire jumped a little and looked at me, Averi Kate jumped and simultaneously dove into the living room to see what was going on. I really thought she was going to be a timid child, but time might be telling a different story...
On a completely different note, for breakfast yesterday Claire had oatmeal w/honey and cinnamon, and a side of black olives. That is something I just don't want to forget.
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