Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sweet Six Months


 It's hard to believe that our baby girl will be six months old tomorrow! Time flies faster with the second child for sure. We have to be so intentional about grabbing these precious moments and soaking them in, and enjoying every second that we can with our girls.

So what do I want to remember about AK at six months?

She has her first tooth on the bottom and is now extremely interested in chewing on everything. She has always had great hand-eye coordination, and now that translates into grabbing anything and everything that she can and taking it straight to her mouth.

She doesn't talk as much as Claire did at this age. (Could it be that she never has a chance, what with her big sister who has not STOPPED talking since she was this age? Surely not...) We were discussing this last night and Spencer said that AK is usually either quietly smiling...

...quietly intense...

...or crying.

Although she isn't too talkative, she does love to laugh. And no one can make her laugh like her big sister. AK watches Claire constantly and thinks she is hilarious.

 Averi Kate has now tasted avocado, sweet potato, and pear sauce. She is not all that interested in eating solids at this point, but I think her favorite so far has been the pears.

 She is learning how to sit independently but isn't quite there yet. She usually falls over after a few seconds. She rolls all over the floor to get to whatever object she has her eye on. She lights up like the sunshine when I walk in her room to get her after a nap or in the morning. She doesn't love riding in the car. Peek-a-boo is her favorite game. She sucks her thumb to go to sleep, and rubs her eyes when she is tired.

We love you, our sweet six-month-old!

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