It's amazing how many conversations in our house involve the subject of poop. Just a couple of examples...
Spencer walks into the bathroom, glances in the toilet, and exclaims, "Whoa, there's poop in here!"
Claire: "That might be me. Wait, let me see... (walks in and peers into the toilet)...Yep, that was me."
Claire: Plants really like poop. Can people poop on their vegetables?
Me: I don't really think it's a good idea.
Claire: Why not? It's food for the vegetables. They like it.
Me: Yeah, but it's just kind of gross, and the neighbors would probably not like it if they saw you pooping on your plants.
Claire: Yeah, that might not be good. You shouldn't poop in front of people.
Oh my goodness. Brent and I were just talking about this. Brent says that when he gets to heaven he wants to have a long conversation with God about poop! ha ha...he says this after changing Hayley almost everytime!!!! If Hayley passes gas, she stops, smiles, opens her mouth and slowly says, "POOOOP!" oh funny!