Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How I Love Your Word...

Tonight Claire went to bed at 7:45. Pretty normal. She laid down without complaint, accepted her bear, baby, and blanket as usual, and said "Nye-nye." As we sat in the living room, we could hear her talking to herself, or her baby, or her bear, as usual.

1 hour and 20 minutes later, she was still awake. She had been laying in bed talking, tossing, and turning the whole time. No complaining, just a lot of...talking. Finally we couldn't stand it anymore so we went in to see what was going on. She sat up in bed as soon as we opened the door and began signing that she needed a diaper change. So, I changed her (even though she really didn't need one), sat back in the rocking chair, sang to her, prayed with her, and put her back in the crib.

"Baa-baa," she said.

I handed her a bear.

"Baa-baa," she said again.

I handed her a baby.

"Baa-baa," she said more insistently.

I gave her a blanket.

"Baa-baa. Baa-baa. BAA-BAA."

"Oh," I said. "Do you want your bible?"

Yep, she indicated. That's what she wanted. So I got her picture Bible, handed it to her, and left the room.

She was asleep within 2 minutes. (This picture is not posed, I promise.)

I wish I was more like Claire.


  1. you are a lot like Claire. Much of the reason she's a lot like you. You're the bestest mommy Jana Claire.

  2. oh...I am also a little amazed she has so many things that could be interpreted into baa-baa!!! :)
